Beginners Guide to Chiropractic
The word chiropractic derives from the Greek words “cheir”, meaning hand, and “practikos” meaning skilled in or concerned with. The origin of the word chiropractic can be traced back to D.D. Palmer coined it in 1895 when he founded chiropractic.

Chiropractic care is really about total health and wellbeing

What does a Chiropractor do?
A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in the health and function of the spine and nervous system. Because of this focus on the spine, many people think chiropractors can only help with back pain, neck pain, and headaches. They can often help with these issues, but there is much more to chiropractic than just pain.

This is the first video in our animated series “Introduction to Chiropractic.” In this video, we outline what a chiropractor does, then we briefly explore the effects of care. It is a perfect one to watch for anyone curious about chiropractic care and how it can help their family.

Vertebral Subluxation
Because of the close relationship between the spine and the nervous system, every day strains can impact the flow of information and communication between the brain and the body. Messages may not be delivered to the brain, or they may be inaccurate. When that miscommunication occurs due to abnormal movement in the spine, chiropractors call this a ‘vertebral subluxation’, or a “chiropractic subluxation”.

You might hear it again from your chiropractor – so now you know what it means.