The Beginners Guide To Chiropractic

The Beginners Guide To Chiropractic

The word chiropractic derives from the Greek words “cheir”, meaning hand, and “practikos” meaning skilled in or concerned with. The origin of the word chiropractic can be traced back to D.D. Palmer coined it in 1895 when he founded chiropractic.

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How The Brain Perceives The World

How The Brain Perceives The World

Your brain receives constant messages about your body and the external environment from the sensory organs. That’s your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and so on. With this information, your brain maintains a 3D map of your body and keeps a tab on what’s happening outside your body.

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Chiropractic Affects your Brain

Chiropractic Affects your Brain

When you think of muscles, you probably think of your biceps and triceps. You won’t necessarily think of the small muscles close to your spine and skull. These small muscles do in fact play a very important role – they tell your brain what your spine is doing, which represents what the core of your body is doing.

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